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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse is unfortunately common throughout the United States. Elderly people are subject to mistreatment and neglect at the hands of caregivers, resulting in serious physical, emotional, and financial harm.

People who are being abused may be reluctant to share this information with their families. If you suspect that a loved one is suffering mistreatment, keep an eye out for key signs of nursing home abuse and seek help as soon as you can.

Signs of Physical Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home staff members can commit acts of physical violence toward residents, such as pushing, kicking, and hitting. These acts are types of physical abuse.

It can be difficult to know whether physical abuse is occurring, as many elderly people do not feel comfortable divulging this information to loved ones. However, common signs of this abuse include the following.

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Bruises, burns, or welts
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Head and dental injuries

Signs of Psychological Nursing Home Abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse occurs when someone intentionally harms and elderly person’s mental wellness. It can involve name calling, yelling, taunting, or manipulation. While emotional abuse does not leave physical injuries, it can be incredibly harmful.

Spotting emotional abuse can be challenging. However, common signs include the following.

  • The onset of mental illnesses like anxiety and depression
  • Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Unexplained aggressive or violent behavior
  • Low self-esteem or self confidence
  • Suicidal ideations or attempted suicide

Signs of Financial Nursing Home Abuse

Financial abuse is extremely common in nursing homes. This mistreatment involves a staff member misappropriating or stealing funds, assets, or even social assistance from a resident. In some cases, abusers even tamper with wills or accounts for their own financial gain.

Signs of financial abuse include the following.

  • New changes to a will or power of attorney
  • Unexplained loss of cash or property
  • The opening of new credit cards or bank accounts
  • Unusual transactions or charges

Signs of Sexual Nursing Home Abuse

Across the United States, there are many reports of nursing home staff members sexually abusing their residents. Sexual abuse includes any type of unwanted, non-consensual sexual activity.

Some of the most common signs of sexual nursing home abuse include the following.

  • Bed sores or pressure ulcers
  • Malnutrition or dehydration
  • Poor hygiene
  • Unwashed clothes or bedsheets
  • New or worsening diseases and infections
  • Unexplained weight loss

Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

Neglect is also common in nursing homes. This type of mistreatment occurs when nursing home staff fail to provide for a resident’s basic needs, such as hygiene, food, water, or medication.

Signs of nursing home neglect include the following.

  • Unexplained sexually transmitted diseases
  • Inappropriate behavior from staff members
  • Bruising, bleeding, or welts in the genital area

What to Do If Your Loved One Is Being Abused at a Nursing Home

In Georgia, nursing homes have a duty to take good care of their residents and keep them safe from harm. Unfortunately, not all staff members uphold these responsibilities. If you believe that your loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse, it is critical to seek help as soon as possible.

After getting your loved one to safety, contact a nursing home abuse attorney in Augusta to discuss your legal options. Your lawyer can carefully evaluate your loved one’s case and strategize your optimal path to healing.

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