A side impact collision, commonly known as a T-bone accident, occurs when the side of one vehicle is hit by the front or rear of another vehicle. These accidents often happen at intersections and can be particularly dangerous due to the lack of structural protection on the sides of vehicles compared to the front...
Car accidents, even minor ones, can have a profound impact on your mental health. These incidents can be scary and traumatic, affecting your ability to engage in daily activities, spend time with your loved ones, or even get inside a vehicle in the future. Like your physical health, it is important to seek treatment...
Experiencing a car accident is a jarring and disorienting experience. Initially, adrenaline surges through your body, often masking any pain or injury. However, as the adrenaline wears off, you may start to feel pain or discomfort in different parts of your body, including your neck. After a car accident, it’s common to walk away...
[1p21video src="https://nicholsonrevell.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/georgia-dangerous-roads-web.mp4" width="" id="gif_replace_noalignment"] Motor vehicle crashes are among the leading cause of death and serious injury in Georgia. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are involved in collisions throughout the state. While a collision can occur anywhere, at any time, where are the most dangerous areas for motorists in Georgia? At Nicholson...
Any type of motor vehicle accident can result in serious injuries and losses. However, not all collisions are created equal. There are several differences between a collision with a regular passenger car and a large semi-truck weighing tens of thousands of pounds. If you intend on pursuing a claim following a truck accident, it...