Car accidents can result in severe physical, financial, and emotional hardship for all parties involved, including drivers, pedestrians, and passengers. If you are injured in a car accident as a passenger, you have the right to hold the at-fault driver accountable and recover compensation to pay for your losses. In these situations, it is important to have an attorney on your side who can guide you through the litigation process and secure the compensation you deserve.
Like most states, Georgia follows a fault-based system when it comes to car accidents. Drivers who are responsible for these collisions must pay for their victims’ losses. To uphold this financial obligation, all Georgia drivers must carry the following amounts of liability insurance.
Motorists have the right to purchase higher amounts of coverage if they wish. They may also invest in additional policies, such as uninsured motorist insurance, to cover their losses in case of an unexpected event.
As a passenger in a car accident, you have the right to hold a negligent motorist accountable through a car accident claim and recover compensation for the losses you sustained in the accident. These damages may include past and future medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.
Like most states, Georgia follows a fault-based system when determining compensation after a car accident. Drivers who cause a collision are financially responsible for the losses of their victims, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. To uphold this financial responsibility, Georgia drivers must carry certain amounts of liability insurance.
If you are a passenger injured in a car accident, you have several options to recover compensation.
If you are unsure what to do after a car accident, speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. A Georgia car accident attorney can evaluate your case, identify your optimal path to compensation, and help strategize your next steps. They can evaluate your claim and help you identify which pathway is right for your case.
Passengers in Georgia car accidents have the right to collect the same types of compensation as other injured victims. There are two main forms of monetary damages: economic and non-economic. While economic damages involve the financial, tangible losses you sustained, non-economic damages refer to your physical and emotional pain and suffering.
Common types of compensation available to Georgia passengers include the following.
If you are involved in a car accident as a passenger, it is important to stay calm and seek help as soon as possible.
Do not speak to any drivers or their insurance companies after the collision. Once you receive medical treatment, contact an Augusta, Georgia car accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case and legal options.
As an injured passenger, your path to recovery will be very similar to how drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and other injured parties secure compensation. During the insurance or lawsuit process, you will need to supply sufficient evidence that the at-fault driver caused the accident.
When you file an insurance claim, a company representative will investigate the collision and review evidence from all relevant parties. At the conclusion of the case, the representative will decide whether you are eligible for compensation and how much your award should be. You and your attorney will need to supply evidence and engage in negotiations with the company to reach a sufficient outcome.
During the personal injury litigation process, you will need to provide enough evidence to support the following four facts.
An Augusta car accident lawyer can help you gather the evidence you need to establish each of these elements and build a strong case for your right to compensation. As soon as possible following your accident, contact an attorney to discuss your case and strategize your optimal path to maximum recovery.