Augusta Premier Personal
Injury Attorneys

What Are the Different Types of Premises Liability Claims?

Premises liability claims arise when someone is injured due to a hazard at residential, commercial, or governmental properties. In Georgia, property owners have a responsibility to ensure that their premises are safe and free from any dangerous hazards. If a hazard does arise, they must fix it and warn tenants, customers, and any other visitors about the problem. 

There are many types of premises liability claims that can arise, such as slip and fall accidents, negligent security, and lack of proper maintenance. If you plan on filing a premises liability lawsuit in Georgia, speak to an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your legal options.

Slip and Fall Hazards

A large number of premises liability claims involve slip and fall accidents. These incidents can occur when a property falls into disrepair and an owner fails to maintain sidewalks, parking lots, staircases, and porches. Failure to clear ice or snow, mark wet floors, or keep walkways free from clutter may also lead to a slip-and-fall accident. If the fall was caused by the owner’s negligence, the victim would have the right to pursue a lawsuit.

Negligent Security

All property managers and business owners must ensure that they provide safe premises for customers, tenants, and employees. A major part of this responsibility is to provide adequate security, such as installing security cameras and locks, implementing alarm systems, or hiring security guards. If someone is injured during a crime that could have been prevented with adequate security, the owner would be liable.

Lack of Maintenance

To ensure safety, property owners need to maintain their premises regularly and order repairs when necessary. Certain fixtures, such as elevators, electrical wiring, and appliances, can become extremely dangerous without proper maintenance. If someone is injured by a poorly maintained element on someone’s property, he or she could pursue legal action against the owner.

Inadequate Lighting

Poor lighting can make it difficult for visitors to see properly and navigate a property safely. Property owners must ensure that walkways, parking lots, and other parts of the property have enough lighting for the average person to avoid an accident. If a visitor is injured due to inadequate lighting, the owner could be held liable in a lawsuit.

Dog Bites and Attacks

If a property owner has a dog on the premises, he or she must ensure that it is properly restrained—especially if the animal has a history of aggressive behavior. In the event that a dog injures someone, the victim may have a legal basis to pursue a lawsuit against the owner. In Georgia, dog owners are liable for their animal’s actions if:

  • The dog is considered a vicious or dangerous animal.
  • The incident occurred through careless management or by allowing the dog to travel unrestrained.
  • The victim did not provoke the animal to bite or injure him or her.

Injured on Someone Else’s Property? Speak to an Attorney

Many accidents can happen on residential or commercial property. If you were injured due to a property owner’s negligence, you may be eligible for legal action—and an Augusta premises liability attorney can help. As soon as possible following the accident, contact a lawyer to discuss your case and plan your next steps.

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