Augusta Premier Personal
Injury Attorneys

Treatment and Rehabilitation Costs for Paralysis

Paralysis can have a profound impact on your life, affecting your mobility and presenting numerous physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Among these challenges, the cost of treatment and rehabilitation can weigh heavily on your mind.

Due to the extensive care required to treat paralysis, lifetime medical costs can range in the thousands or even millions of dollars. When combined with the loss of income and other expenses that come along with paralysis, victims can experience substantial financial hardship.

If you were paralyzed due to the actions of another person, however, legal recourse is available. You can file a lawsuit against the at-fault party and recover compensation to pay for medical care, lost wages, and more. Contact our personal injury attorneys in Augusta to learn more.

The Estimated Cost of Paralysis Treatment

The financial burden of paralysis treatment can be staggering. According to the 2020 figures from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), a person with high tetraplegia who was injured at 25 years old could have up to $5,162,152 in lifetime costs. For a person with paraplegia injured at 50 years old, these lifetime costs are estimated to be $1,656,602. 

As the severity of the injury and the duration of living with paralysis increase, so do the overall expenses associated with it. These figures highlight the substantial financial commitment required for paralysis treatment and rehabilitation. 

Why Is Paralysis Treatment and Rehabilitation So Expensive? 

Treatment for paralysis often involves a multidisciplinary approach, targeting the patient’s physical, emotional, and social well-being. As a result, the associated costs can be very high. 

Extensive Medical Care

Living with paralysis often entails a lifetime of medical care, including surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and specialized equipment. The expenses associated with ongoing medical treatments can quickly accumulate. Additionally, you may require specialized care from healthcare professionals such as neurologists, physiatrists, and therapists with expertise in spinal cord injuries.

Long-Term Health Issues

Paralysis increases the risk of developing secondary health issues like pressure sores, urinary tract infections, respiratory problems, and osteoporosis. Managing these complications requires continuous medical attention, which further contributes to the overall treatment costs.

Home Modifications

You may require wheelchair accessibility modifications like ramps, widened doorways, roll-in showers, and stairlifts. While these alterations ensure a safe and accessible living environment, they can also pose a financial burden.

Mental Health Support

The emotional toll of paralysis is immense. Many individuals with paralysis experience depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Seeking mental health support, including counseling or therapy, is crucial for your well-being. However, these services can be expensive, adding to the overall cost of treatment and rehabilitation.

Compensation for Victims of Paralysis in Georgia

While the cost of paralysis treatment can seem overwhelming, there are options for compensation available. If your paralysis resulted from another person’s actions, such as a car accident or medical malpractice, you have the right to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. These claims allow you to recover compensation for past and future medical expenses, as well as disability accommodations, rehabilitation programs, and lost wages. 

Navigating a lawsuit can be challenging, but an Augusta spinal cord injury attorney can help. A lawyer can guide you through every stage of the legal process, advocating aggressively for your right to recovery. To learn more about your options, schedule a case consultation with Nicholson Revell, LLP, to discuss your next steps with an attorney.