A dispute with an insurance company can be frustrating. If you have been seriously injured, disabled, or lost your possessions, you need the benefits you believed you had purchased. Often, insurance companies can unreasonably deny a claim, stall in making a decision on a claim, or require excessive documentation or testimony to even review your claim. That is what is called “exhibiting bad faith.”
Nicholson Revell Personal Injury Attorneys helps to dispute those coverage cases on your behalf. With a name in law for more than 80 years, we have helped countless individuals with outstanding bills and overwhelming financial burdens whose claims have been denied.
Our lawyers have the right experience with almost every type of insurance violation, including:
General Liability and Casualty Policies
Medical and Dental Insurance
Long-term Disability Insurance\
Automobile Driver’s Insurance
Including uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
Homeowner’s Insurance
And more…
Our Augusta personal injury attorneys act on your behalf to not only get the value of the claim itself, but also the punitive damages owed due to emotional distress. In addition to serving Augusta, we welcome clients from Thomson, Evans, and Waynesboro as well.